>>>>  Felix and Ron wrote stuff about fonts and usability which 
>>>>essentially has nothing to do with CSS <<<<


You have entered holy war territory.

Proceed directly to the wiki pages and channel your energy into 
expanding the pages there on using fonts. Feel free to add as much 
opinion as you like but please refrain from continuing this thread.

Remember: every time a moderator is compelled to send an essentially 
pointless "Don't post a message that you know you shouldn't" warning 
to every single member of the list (that's 6808 right here, right 
now), a kitten dies.

Seriously, please stick to the practical application of css and 
actually answer the specific questions that people ask.

css-d moderator
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/

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