Allison Bloodworth wrote:

>Hi Franky, 
>This is great--thank you! I'm hoping to incorporate as many of your
>suggestions as we can. One small correction: I believe you based the
>revision you did was based on this page:
>ucb-nested.htm, not this (old) one:
Glad you can use it. :-)   - Yes: I saw the newer version later on; and 
because my testing was just an example, I didn't worry to much.

>Unfortunately I can't use FANGS with Firefox 1.5, but on a 12/18 post on the
>Fangs site it looks like they will be finishing a version for FF 1.5 soon. I
>had actually downloaded FANGS previously, but am not sure I ever used it.
Yes again: they promise "really soon now" and "as soon as possible" (but 
didn't mention a deadline). They offer to give a notification when the 
new version is available, when you sign up to the Fangs mailing list 
<> at
But as you can see in my FANGS-screenshot 
of the testmodel-page, the result in Fangs is pretty the same as in the 
"View > No-style" option which you can see in all FF-versions.
- In the w3c html-validator there is an option "Outline". Very easy 
checkpoint: at the bottom of the result page they give the 
page-structure as found in the headings ( = schematical representation 
of the highlighted items in Fangs)..
- I tried the testmodelpage in the online Lynx Viewer 
<> ("This service allows web 
authors to see what their pages will look like (sort of) when viewed 
with Lynx, a text-mode web browser"). And, o wonder!, this gives exacty 
the same output as the No-style version.
- For testing accessibility in Lynx (and other browsers), there is a 
Lynx-emulation option in the Cynthia says testing page 

>We have other plans (which were not implemented in the navigation snippet I
>shared with the list) to increase the accessibility of this site by creating
>access keys
Adding access keys:  good thing too!

>and by creating a "skip to main content"
>( link--I think it might be helpful
>to indicate in your links that the "Calendar of Intercollegiate Golf Events
>2006" is the "Main content".
>Thanks again!
Yes: in fact the first link in the No-style version of the testpage is 
the "skip to main content"-link, but this can be refined and better 
represented. Like starting with the text:
"Welcome at the text edition of this page. You can <link>skip to the 
main content</link>: Calendar of Intercollegiate Golf Events 2006. The 
rest of this page consists of menu's for navigating to other parts of 
this site. The list of possible menu's is: .... <list with links>." or 
something like that.

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