Dear David, Holly:

1. Increasing Text-size in FF obscures text significantly. Does anybody
have a fix?

Changing the height to min-height in the .nav selector seems to keep the 
content below the expanded/wrapped navagition items.

That fixed it very nicely, thank you :-)

Due to their large initial font-size, any browser-level text adjustment 
(in the larger direction) will cause the LIs to wrap immediately.

Well - actually, even in Firefox, resizing three steps above/below, 
keeps the LIs on the same line. A rule of thumb which I am not quite 
sure where I picked up, was to ensure that content stayed *mostly* in 
the same place, at three text-steps up, and down.

It seems like a relatively simple layout problem. I would suggest:
1/ Increase the width of the wrapper from 760 to 776px.

Argh - I did that. Silly me - I'm not even sure why/where I pulled out 
760px from.

2/ Put the logo image /above/ the nav bar, and increase the font-size of it.
3/ Let the the nav bar extend the entire 776px width, and reduce the 
font-size of the links.

I'll redo the navigation bar soon - I sort of liked the effect of the 
hover area extending to the top. I've seen your other recommendations 
for listomatic lists, and I'll look to those for some pointers.

4/ Code for good browsers. The 'evil one' can wait its turn.

Heh. As always. Here it seemed to be behaving not too badly. The pullout 
quote thingy from earlier was the only thing which had me _completely_ 

Personally, with client approval, I would use the colors you have as the 
a:link state with black(or some other solid color) on hover.

I think so too - I'll probably fix this in the next iteration; the 
clients wanted something up, in their own words, at the beginning of the 
project, "yesterday".

David, Francky, Holly and Ingo. Thanks a ton for helping out.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rahul Gonsalves
Make PNG, not War.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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