hepabolu wrote:

>This is my first website: http://www.origami-osn.nl/osn/en/start.html .
>It works as intended, but I'm not completely satisfied. I can't point my 
>finger to the itch, so maybe some of you can. Please note that I'm more 
>of a web developer than a web designer.
>Bye, Helma
Hi Helma,
No bad for a first site! - This said, here we go:
- On the page www.origami-osn.nl/osn/en/reactie.form 
<http://www.origami-osn.nl/osn/en/reactie.form> I saw: "This website is 
built with valid XHTML 1.0 and valid CSS". So I couldn't escape to try. 
;-) Results for this page, oops: "This page is not Valid HTML 4.01 
Transitional!" and "10 Errors in CSS". Some minor errors, but 
nevertheless. - Radar onboard? Looks I tried just the wrong page for 
this first check - after this I tried some other pages, which where 
going allright.
- The transparency in the submenu's doesn't make the submenu very 
readable for me. When you make it non-tranparent, nobody will miss it, I 
think. The css-validator will be more happy too!
- The height of the items in the submenu's doesn't correspond with the 
height of the items in the menu itself. - Hovering over the submenu 
items causes some flashing. Perhaps you can use something of my testpage 
"The Keybordfish 
with a similair kind of concept [no; same effect but other concept, see 
next item]. Lots of comments are in the source code. Also availabe in 
Dutch: "De Keyboardfish, nieuwe soort Suckerfish ontdekt in Nederland 
- Ah, hereafter I see the menu is not a Suckerfish-menu (css-based), but 
a javascript "tigra" menu. A lot of script is needed: slowers the 
download. But without enabled javascript: there is no menu at all! 
People who visit te site for the first time, don't know the is a lot 
more the the first page ...
- Now somewhere on the page there is a "Message from the webmaster", but 
how should people who don't see a menu get the idea that there is an 
explanation on that page? - Besides, visitors directly started on an 
other page (via Google or external link) are missing this important message.
- The least you can do is to making a <noscript>text</noscript> at the 
place of the (empty) menu, which says "Please enable Javascript to see 
the menu", with a link to the webmaster-page. [edit: or to the 
beautifull sitemap!]. Better is to make a <noscript> menu, which comes 
as js is not enabled (with unfolded submenu items). The best is to 
forget the javascript menu, an have a css-menu instead. That asks a bit 
of javascript too (needed for showing the submenu in Internet Explorer), 
but a lot less kB's. - See the articles "Sons of suckerfish 
- In the header, my attention is drawn by the angled tearoff left side, 
while the rest of the page is just clean & rectangulair. Why this? - The 
blue background is a bit overwhelming imo, perhaps the white letters can 
be made more visible by enlarging them somewhat, or using a contrasting 
dropshadow under the letters, or making the image more pale with using 
of dark letters. Or an other kind of image (this one has for me more the 
association with patchwork then with origami).
- The Speed Report 
of the startpage indicates a rather long downloadtime for 56k modems: 
about 1/2 minute before everything is on screen. The same for 
"vraagenaanbod.html" and probably the same for the other pages. Then a 
quick browse through some pages aks some patience of the visitor...
- Main cause is the big amount of images. Perhaps you can optimize them 
(making 256 or even 16 color gif's of the 16M color png's for the small 
images can often give a lossless saving of 50% or more of the kB's), or 
combine them (a serie of images besides each other in one gif or jpg; 
then calling as background-images, and taking the right part with the 
{background-position: x y } property).
- Startpage: in Internet Explorer (IE6 under Win98SE) there is a gap 
between the horses-image and the first box "Error in workshop 
description Mennorode" (about as high as the horses-image). Didn't 
figure it out, but seems you have to make an IE-hack for the width of 
the column. Often IE is taking a wrong method for calculating the witdh 
in %.
- Hovering over the heads ("Folding together" or "Origami Peace Tree 
Festival" on the start page) gives a flashing grey background. Seems you 
can click on it, but thats not true. - Ah, I see, it are the anchor 
elements: "<a name="foldingtogether">Folding together</a>" that do it. 
Replacing by <a name="foldingtogether"></a>Folding together" will make 
it normal.
- Mostly a column "Links" is a listing with some external links to other 
sites about the same subject. Over here they are internal links to other 
pages on the site. Perhaps an other title of this box can make that clearer.
- Almost standard is that a logo is clickable, and leads to the home 
page. A quick made link!

Hope this feedback doesn't trigger more itch!
Greetings and succes,
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