At 04:14 PM 1/13/2006, Mark - JForce New Media wrote:
>Can someone help me with something? I can't get the bottom border 
>image to be visible between these navigation tabs and the white area 
>below them. In a book I bought by Dan Cedarholm, this border should 
>be visible unless a tab is hovered over and the hovered tab should 
>overlap the border.

Hi Mark,

Because your LIs are floated left, they're taken out of the flow, 
therefore their container UL doesn't know how big they are.  The UL 
thinks it's empty of children with height, so its own height is 
zero.  If you give the UL a red border you'll see this.

The wiki associated with this listserve has several solutions:

Here are some solutions that I consider to be hacks but nonetheless 
use from time to time:

- Apply a height to the UL, such as 2em or 3.1em, whatever looks 
right.  This is a hack because it assumes the tabs are all that 
consistent height and that the tabs are all in a horizontal 
array.  If the user increases the browser font size so much that the 
tabs wrap around or the text within a single tab wraps around, the UL 
will no longer contain the tabs (as you're seeing now).

- Clear the float inside the UL, for example by applying clear: left; 
to a final LI element.  Because it isn't floated left, this last list 
item will be in the flow, and the parent UL will see it and stretch 
down to contain it.  The item will wrap around to the left margin, so 
it can't be a proper member of your list, and you'll likely want to 
give it a zero height or sumthin so it doesn't push the bottom of the 
UL down any farther than it has to.  This is a hack because that 
final float-clearing LI won't likely have any semantic purpose.

- Contain the UL in a wrapper DIV, apply the bottom background to 
that container, and clear the float outside the UL but inside the 
DIV, for instance with a BR { clear: left; }.  This is a hack because 
the BR is non-semantic.

<div id="topMenu">
       <li id="t-welcome"><a href="default.htm">Welcome</a></li>
    <br />

    background: #FFCB2D url(images/topMenu_bg_undrln.gif) repeat-x bottom left;
    clear: left;

Good luck,

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