Thank you Holly!  That seemed to do the trick (and was driving me crazy).

A couple of questions:
    I realize that it was causing me problems in this example, but is it
always the case that a block level element cannot (should not) be contained
in an inline element?

    Could you be more specific about the competing selectors that you are
referring to? - I'm not sure I understand.

Thanks again,

> From: Holly Bergevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:50:10 -0600
> To: <>, Scott Holdeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [css-d] 3px holly hack - not working for my needs
> From: Scott Holdeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> My demo page:
>> I am wanting to float an image (block) to the left of a container ­ then
>> using a large left margin ­ position the accompanying text in what would
>> become a right column.
>> I am encountering the 3px jog bug in ie ­ but the Holly Hack is not entirely
>> working for my needs because following paragraphs are not getting indented.
> First, take a look at your code. Even when you create demos (especially?) you
> should make sure that you are dealing with valid code. You have four instances
> of two different IDs on your page. While I don't think that is causing any
> problem for IE in this case, you still should change those to classes for the
> purposes of reusing them on the same page.
> Additionally, you have wrapped two paragraphs in a span in your last example.
> Paragraphs are block elements and therefore cannot be placed within a span (an
> inline element). If you change that element to a div, you will have greater
> success in getting what you want.
> Finally, you have competing selectors that are making it impossible for
> browsers to do what you want them to do.

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