Jim Ryan wrote:

>On the page http://ixlr8.org/newacting [...]
>[...] the .lw1 span overrides any definition I give to .expanded. Not
>only that, but because the .lw1 span is applied to all <LI>'s, any
>redefinition of it affects every other righnav <LI> as well. This I don't
>[...] whatever may be the right way of expressing this item's place in
>the style cascade, I haven't hit on it. Any suggestions?
Hi Jim,
The css-cascade in the essential part you want to influence is:

= = = = =

   <li class="collapsed"><a href="link1"><span class="lw1">Dance</span></a></li>
   <li class="leaf"><a href="link2"><span class="lw1">Drama</span></a></li>
   <li class="leaf"><a href="link3"><span class="lw1">Music</span></a></li>
   <li class="expanded"><a href="link4"><span class="lw1">Special Cultural 
         <li class="leaf"><a href="link5"><span class="lw1">Alvin Ailey 
         <li class="leaf"><a href="link6"><span class="lw1">Children&#039;s Aid 
         <li class="leaf"><a href="link7" class="active"><span class="lw1">The 
New Acting Company</span></a></li>
   <li class="collapsed"><a href="link8"><span class="lw1">Visual 

= = = = =
So written, it will be easy to see:

If the class="collected", and the span class="lw1", then then right style is ...
If the class="expanded", and the span class="lw1", then then right style is ...
If the class="expanded", and the span class="lw1", but you are in the subitems 
with class="leaf", then then right style is ... 


.collapsed .lw1 {border: 1px solid red;}
.expanded .lw1 {border: 1px solid green;}
.expanded .leaf .lw1 {border: 1px solid yellow;}

might be helpfull. Quick see what happens? Use the Chris Pederick's Firefox 
Developers Extention, go to the css-button and hit "Edit css". Then just add 
these 3 lines.

With this instant cooking you can tackle lots of problems in less time then 
needed for writing down this! ;-)


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