rebecca taylor wrote:

>i'm wondering if a seasoned css developer can tell me why my attempt to 
>trick IE into showing my navigation tabs worked for IE, but 
>unfortunately worked for FF & Moz. as well?
>for the top navigation tabs, i tried to do an IE hack -- but the left 
>position shows up in FF & Mozilla as well. clearly i'm not understanding 
>the problem correctly. does the 'hack' only work on width? 

No, but the voice-family hack only hides from IE 5.x.  It doesn't hide 
from FF, Mozilla, or anything other than IE 5.x.  If you want only IE to 
get the left value, this would work:

* html #nav {
left: 180px;

Be aware that this will also be seen by IE on the Mac, which I'm not 
sure whether you want.

However, I think you have bigger problems going on here, and fixing 
these will keep you from needing to feed IE a separate value.  Here are 
some steps to cleaning it up:

1. Add the olive green/brown background color to the body element.
2. Set the width of #frame to be whatever the width of the white area 
is, and set its background color to be white.
3. Assure that #frame stretches down to fill the browser window:
4. Center #frame in the window using margin: 0 auto;
5. Float the logo left, and if you want it to be overlapping the border 
between the green and the white (which I think you do), give it a 
negative left margin to pull it out of its parent div by the appropriate 

...and that should get you started.  As you go along, test in Firefox 
and get it working there first.  Then, test in IE.  It's much easier to 
hack IE to emulate correct behavior than it is to hack FF to emulate 
buggy, non-sensical behavior.


Zoe M. Gillenwater
Design Services Manager
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

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