On Jan 22, 2006, at 4:33 PM, John Haas wrote:

> I finally figured out how to achieve the look of what used to be  
> floated divs, centered in a page (when I don't know the width of  
> the parent div).
> Right now, I'm using a wrapper div with a display:table and an  
> inner wrapper div with a display:table-row.  The colored boxes for  
> the movie campaigns are set to display:table-cell.
> However, in IE, this displays all the campaign divs one on top of  
> the other, as opposed to the intended horizontal layout.

Hrmmm -- you mentioned you don't know the width of the parent div;  
but I assume you know the width of the centered div.

Is there a reason you're not using the following:

   <div id="centered">Some content...</div>

   #centered { width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; }

This will work regardless of the width of the parent element, or even  
if there is no parent element.

Matthew Levine (http://www.infocraft.com/)
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