>>Of course there's no one-right-way to do this, but here's what I would
>> suggest. Have one master CSS file, say style.css, that every page
>> references. Inside the style.css, put everything that is common across
>> all brandings. You may even want to put the default branding in this
>> file. Then, at the end of the file, put:
>>@include "green.css";
> You have just violated the CSS Specification, and compliant browsers
> are therefore free to ignore green.css. [1]  Included CSS files must
> come at the beginning of a stylesheet, before any property/value
> declarations, not at the end.  If you import *all* of your styles, as
> someone else suggested, then this method could work.  However, if you
> have any direct declarations in the stylesheet, the import statement
> must precede them.
> 1. <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#at-rules>

Oops, thanks for the correction. In that case, Bill will definitely want
to put just imports in style.css, so that the branding style sheet is able
to override the default styles.

Either that, or struggle to ensure the specificity of rules in the
branding style sheet is stronger. I'd definitely prefer the
multiple-imports method, though.


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