Please take a look at this page in both IE and Firefox:


Notice that in IE, the blue/pink containers are touching the empty, bounded
container above. Also notice that the grey-banded container(s)-which are all
nested in a single parent DIV-are positioned 60px lower than the pink box
(which is floated to the right).


This 60px is the top margin of the grey container DIV. 


This is how I want the page to display.


In Firefox, the top margin of 60px, applied to the grey container DIV
mentioned above, is actually being applied to its parent: the DIV containing
all the colored boxes.

As a result, the grey and pink containers start side-by-side, and the 60px
margin is now separating the top, empty, bounded DIV from the bottom DIV.


Any idea why this is happening in Firefox? More importantly, any idea how to
make Firefox behave as IE is behaving?




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