Hi Christian, thanks for the quick feedback.

> the markup is not conducive to a fixed-fluid layout right now, and you
> have both a stylesheet and inline styles, which makes things tough to
> edit.

You say that my markup isn't conducive to a fixed-fluid layout, but the
second example that I mentioned has it working fine:
It's the same markup in both the contact_us and contact_us2 files. So am I
missing something about what you're saying? If my markup isn't conducive to
it, how is it possible that I have a fixed-fluid layout working?

But why not just use the example where you have the fixed-fluid layout
working then?  That's because the sidebar is positioned absolutely, and I
want it to be relative. Which is where all my troubles started.

As for the inline styles, those are just in a single div that I was trying
some opacity things with.  I don't think I have any other inline styles
except that div.

> You want:
> <div id=container>
> <div id=sitenav>
> </div>
> rest of content
> </div>

Hmmm, my current markup is
<div id=container>
<div id=sitenav>
<div id=maincontent>
rest of content

The only different between what you suggested and what I have is that my
content has a div around it (called maincontent).  If I set that div to be
inline, wouldn't that be functionally the same as what you suggested I do?
Heheh, can you tell I'm standing by my markup structure!? :) Anyway, I had
tried that before (including setting the margin-left to the width of the
width of my sitenav div) but then doing that screws with the clearer divs,
so the second person in the contact list doesn't start until the nav on the
left is finished. So that didn't work either.

Anyone else have ideas?
Jared Lyon

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