
> So this innocent looking documentation attempt
>   <!-- This element fixes the isthereanameforit-bug -->
>   <!--[if IE]>
>     <div class="clear_solvent"></div>
>   <![endif]-->
> may cause problems that are difficult to debug. Authors are 
> baffled when 
> IE6 kicks one or two characters into the screen where they 
> don't belong to.
>    (
> Or, I haven't had time to test it, are we allowed to add a comment 
> phrase /inside/ the conditional comment?
>     <!--[if expression] comment_phrase > HTML <![endif]-->
> or
>     <!--[if expression]> HTML <![endif] comment_phrase -->
> I don't know, and I did not find a mention of it in [1].
> Ingo


I don't know if you can place html comments within the conditional comments 
section, but you could certainly place css comments in there. That would avoid 
the problem entirely, right?

I think I'm one of the few people who've encountered a crashing version of the 
duplicate characters bug, which you helped me solve. I believe the problem in 
my case was an empty div that IE was attempting to duplicate, causing the crash.

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