> well YES.. certainly some frustration in my post - took me a weekend to
> learn PHP and another one to learn JS.. but 2 years and still table or css
> layouts drive me nuts.

If you learnt PHP and JS in one weekend each then you are either a
certified genius or you learnt some syntax and think you mastered the
language and all that comes with it. Don't believe the hype of "Teach
yourself quantum physics and changing the time continuum in 24 hours"
books. That superficial knowledge will bite you where it hurts the
first time someone with malicious intent checks the safety of PHP
scripts developed on syntax alone.

It is the same problem here: half of CSS is realising what it is -
describing what the presentation should be like, not fixing it to make
it impossible to change.

> but my frustration aside; you must admit that the idea of using CSS for
> layout is a pretty "cludgey art" with present standards or lack thereof.
> Everything I have seen to try to make layouts such as faux columns or
> massively large paddings are simply tricks to get around the inherent lack
> of layout capability in CSS - and, as "tricks" come issues.

Maybe it is time to rethink layout for the web? We tried forcing print
design best practices onto the web and failed. Both with tables and
CSS as your example shows. Maybe it is time to open up a bit and let
the browser deal with display and layout instead of enforcing it. What
is the height you want to fill up? A web document is either a fixed
height or it is as high as its content. If you want to fill an
arbitary height like the browser window then you need to hack and
expect odd behaviour. CSS is not to blame there, the design expecting
this behaviour is.
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