Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

>Mike Soultanian wrote:
>>I am having some trouble trying to figure out where some gaps are 
>>coming from.  If you look at the following page in FF/IE/Opera, 
>>you'll notice that there's a gap between each of the letters in the 
>>big "THE ARTS" graphics with the purple background.
>Solution: float those letter-images, and clear underneath to make the
>rest line up.
>       Georg
It may be that I simply do not understand, but FWIW: While Georg's 
solution resolves the question you wrote about, I am not sure how that 
will necessarily solve the problem. As I see it, the letters and word 
spacing are now, TBNT(tight but not touch). /The problem/ is that reads 
'theater' for me, and will do so even more when the letters are tighter. 
I'd think more about leaving it the way it is, and increasing the 
word-spacing slightly. Typography is about readability, not about being 
"cool." Or is it?

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