Hi Rafael,

Try adding !important to the position: absolute. Firefox's default styles
for LEGEND include 'position: static !important', so you'll have to use
!important as well to override this behaviour.

Jesse Skinner

>       Hi,
>       this mail is just for futher (personal) reference.  I've tried to
> change the style of a LEGEND tag and failed so far; what I'm trying to
> do is to make it look as a tipical "title-bar", something like this:
>    +-------------------------+
>    | LEGEND element          |
>    +-------------------------+
>    | Rest of the content...  |
>    | (All inside a FIELDSET) |
>    +-------------------------+
> but Fx doesn't allow me to, both Opera and IE6/win work fine (if that
> can be applied to IE6/win)
>    <fieldset>
>      <legend>LEGEND element</legend>
>      [this doesn't matter...]<br />
>    </fieldset>
> CSS:
>      position: relative;
>    }
>    LEGEND {
>      position: absolute;
>      top:      20px;
>    }
> or
>      position: relative;
>    }
>    LEGEND {
>      position:   absolute;
>      margin-top: 20px;
>    }
>       Any comments on this behaviour?
>       Thanks in advance.
> Note: This is only for positioning, no size or any other value has been
> given (to mantain HTML/CSS codes as clean as possible)

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