Tom McNeer wrote:
> Hi Els,
> Thank you for your very complete explanation. Aside from the 
> syntax
> errors, and the fact that I should have stated that I hadn't
> attempted to make any adjustments for IE yet, perhaps it would 
> be
> clearer if (as you suggest), I explain my intent.
> Actually, the page as it is displayed (which isn't the entire 
> page,
> just a partial) looks just the way I want it to (in Firefox), 
> except
> for the fact that the content in the right-hand column is being
> pushed down.
> So perhaps you can help me understand how to achieve that 
> effect in a
> proper manner.

Here's my version:
No adjustments needed for IE.

I commented the rules that may need explanation.

Some things you will notice:

I changed the doctype to Strict, which will throw IE in standards 
mode. Personally, I find that much easier to work with than 
quirksmode, since I never got round to study IE's quirks ;-)

I haven't set any height.
The 100% height you had for #wrapper, didn't do anything, as this 
states 100% height of the parent. But the parent is body, which 
didn't have a height either.
So, if I would give body and html a 100% height, then 100% on the 
wrapper would make it as high as your window. But you want it 
123px from the top, so it will also extend 123px below the bottom 
of the window. Doubt you want that :-)

So, the way it works now, is that the more content you write in 
either leftCol or rightCol, the higher #wrapper becomes. This is 
actually the preferred way of building webpages (imo of course). 
If you set a fixed height, all sorts of bad looking stuff happens 
when people enlarge the font. Either boxes need scrolling (ugly 
and very uncomfortable if the box is higher than one's window), 
or things start overlapping or being cut off. Not good either :-)


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