Augusto Murri wrote:

>Hi all, i've been testing this page for a week but there are some little 
>problems in IE.
>The page in question is
>As u can see the list UL in the div#menu_categorie display bad in IE, i can't 
>see the arrows on the left...
Hi Augusto,
My experience is, that you can better position home-made 'list-bullets' 
by using a background-image for the list items, and canceling the 
list-style (so not using a replaced list-style-image).
Then in all browsers you can position the height of the arrow just in 
the vertical middle of the line (also when the fonts are enlarged 
clientside), which is extremely difficult / perhaps impossible the other 
See effect and source code in this testpage 
FF, IE and Opera on Windows are allright anyway.


I see there are some troubles with the horizontal menu: in IE the 
"Categorie Tematiche" is going out of the button. When seen in FF and 
enlarged the font-size as visitor with 1 step (FF menu View > Textsize > 
Greater), "Tematiche" is dropping to a following (invisible) line. Seems 
like the fixed height of the menu line is the culprit.
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