I'm having a problem with a template I set up using the Jello Piefecta 
In a nutshell, one of my modules does not load properly when I use this 
layout.  I am using Joomla CMS and all other templates I have created 
work except this one and it's the one I like best.  I have posted my 
questions in the Joomla forums but I haven't received a response.  I am 
hoping there is someone knowledgable enough on here to point me in the 
right direction.  Here is my post from the Joomla site which details my 
problem ( I added a few notes notes to clarify some things).
I am in the process of creating a new template.  The Related Items XTD 
module works perfectly with my current theme.  An example of the working 
module can be found here (all links at the bottom of the main content 
are created from copies of the module): 

On my new template, I get this message: "Fatal error: Cannot redeclare 
getlistofminibots() (previously declared in 
/home/girlcaw6/public_html/modules/mod_relateditems_xtd.php:29) in 
/home/girlcaw6/public_html/mambots/content/relateditems.php on line 36" 
but ONLY on pages that are "table-content sections" or "table - category 
sections" - like this one: 
http://girlscantwhat.com/content/section/6/91/ which screws up loading 
the rest of the page. On other pages with the new template such as this 
one: http://girlscantwhat.com/content/view/12/90/  everything displays 

I have only applied the template to a few pages so when looking at the 
new template, use the "test menu" in the left column to navigate using 
the new template.  The rest of the site uses the old template (full-screen).

The problem is definitely related to either Related Items XTD (no pun 
intended) because if I disable it the pages all load fine OR it is in 
the HTML since loading any other template with the module causes the 
issue to disappear.  I am leaning toward the problem being in the HTML 
or CSS.  I have not changed anything in Related Items XTD since setting 
it up.  The only thing I have changed is creating the new template.  I 
have searched these (Joomla) forums and with Google but I can't find any 
answers.  I see others have had the same error message, but no solution 
has been posted.  Is there a solution or do I have to go back to the 
original related items module?

The CSS and HTML (on pages that do load properly) validates so I don't 
know where else to look to fix this.

Thanks for any advice you can provide.  I would really like to use this 
template with the 'jello' layout.
If this is too far off-topic, please let me know.  I am just desperate 
to get this site layout completed so I can move on to other things.  Thanks!


Girls Can't WHAT?

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