Keith Cox wrote:
> Would appreciate any comments or suggestions on any
> aspect of my (first) website design, I have tested
> using the most popular browsers on my Mac, but only
> IE5, Firefox 1.04 and Opera 8 on windows.
> Thanks all!

Hi Keith:  very nice.  one thing i noticed is the bottom scroll bar on 
this page.  the page 
called to my attention by previous messages.

to get rid of that, you want to call the image in the background, which 
i see that you're doing - but your h1 is determining the width of the 
page.  if you put a wrapper on the whole page, set the width with that, 
then the h1 can be the size of the wrapper and the image coming from the 
background won't cause a horizontal scroll.

also, another way to deal with people clicking on the homes for the 
floor plan and then coming back to the top of the previous page, use 
defined anchors (can never remember what to call them).  if that is not 
enough to "jog your memory" about what i'm talking about, ask and i'll 
get more specific.

also, noticed a "englisho", as opposed to a typo - on this page.
you have: Hiking Trails A brisk walk or a stroll its up to you.

should be: Hiking Trails A brisk walk or a stroll, it's up to you.

IE6 has an annoying "image toolbar" which comes on over the pictures of 
your houses, to get rid of it, add this is the meta tag area.
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">
also, noticed you don't have description and other meta tags, maybe 
they're to come, at any rate, you'll want more "stuff" there.



Donna Jones
Portland, Maine
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