On 2006-03-12 at 05:24:17 [+0100], Roger Roelofs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> The css validator is your friend.  Fix the errors and it will likely
> work just fine.  Actually removing the <style> tags from the css files
> might be all you need to to, but fixing the other errors would be good.
> <http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?
> profile=css2&warning=2&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.make-love-not-law.com>

Yes, seems you're right. Removing the enclosing <style> did the trick. 
Thanks for the link to the validator. I hate writing stuff for computers to 
read... Guess I've been writing HTML too long!

> How about
> #person #picture { background-image: url(/images/kv.php?type=Portrait);
> }
> Assuming you can change the script to serve an image from a subset
> related to the subject area.  The script can send http caching headers
> to control how long the browser should wait before re-requesting the
> image (but that is off-topic for this list).

Yes. Even so it would be nice to have something like

#person #picture { background-image: random(url(/images/1), 

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