Ingo Chao wrote:

>For Firefox&Co,
>   #nav li ul {z-index:1}
>should solve the problem of text+borders peeking through in flyouts of 
>preceding elements.
>For IE, I don't have a solution, since IE establishes a new stacking 
>context for each relatively positioned element, meaning that 
>"News&Events" sits over any ul that is part of "Alumni".
>Giving z-indexes to all these relatively positioned li from bottom to 
>top seems to be not a bright idea in multi-level flyouts.
>Others who regularly use flyout menus should have a solution.
Hi Paticia,
Viewing the page in 1024x786 resolution: 2 steps upscaling the font-size 
in IE causes the dropping down of the nav-sidebar.
I think this has to be solved before finetuning the menu/submenus, as it 
can influence all positions.
See testpage with solutions.
Also adapted the "hidden gems" (seen with Ctrl-A in the browser): for FF 
the #header-h1, for IE the #navigation-h2; see source code of testpage.

***    Hmm, provider troubles, - I cannot upload at the moment, the 
testpage has to wait. I'll try again tonight.

While I'm in a hurry now, I'm sorry not to have other contributions for 
the menu-problems.
Perhaps you can find some hints in the source code of the example "The 


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