On Wednesday, April 19, 2006 5:31 AM [GMT+0100=CET],Oliver Wehrens
> I got a problem with IE 6 and a 2 column percentage based  (e.g.
> 50/50) layout. The code is very simple and works in Safari, Firefox
> and Opera. Two columns side by side with a container around it
> providing a background color for the 'white space'. It can show up in
> IE very nicely but if I resize the window by 1 pixel IE6 shift the
> right column below the left one and with 1 pixel increase again it is
> back to normal. This only happens if the columns add up to 100%, 3
> columns with each 33% is ok and also a layout based on absoulte px
> values (but I need percentages and they can be 100%).

I've run into the same thing, and the only solution I've come up with is to
make my percentages add up almost-but-not-quite 100%.  I tend to go for 99%,
but I think I've had some success with 99.5% as well.

Rob Freundlich
"Males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes." - Newt Gingrich
"Some folks you don't have to satirize, you just quote 'em." - Tom Paxton

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