On 4/24/06, Mike Botsko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have two links that I want to sit inside of a big gray box. Those two big 
> gray boxes will be next to each other (matching heights) and centered in the 
> page. However the second link has <br /> tags within it.
> <div id="linkButtons">
>   <div class="linkButton"><a href = "">Removed Link Text</a></div>
>   <div class="linkButton"><a href = "">Removed Link Text<br />and some 
> more<br />Removed Link Text</a></div>
> </div>
> Now this achieves everything I want except that the DIVs will not sit next to 
> each other horizontally, only vertically. If I try adding display: inline; to 
> the linkButton class, it makes them sit where I want, but the link break 
> element causes the div to become three imcompleted boxes - one for each line, 
> missing a preceeding border (following the text). How I can make them sit 
> next to each other yet remain one box surrounding the entire link?

Best I can think of:

.linkButtons { margin:0 auto; width: 400px; }

.linkButton { float:left; width:50%; }

And there might need to be a clearing element after the two
div.linkButton to keep them contained.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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