Mike Gillespie wrote:

> A 2 column left justified layout was easy enough to do, but
> this centered version is getting to me.
> I can get it to look right in FF/Win or IE6/Win, but not both.
> Looked for hacks, but so far, nothing that helps when page is
> centered (even though they work when not centered).
> http://www.striking.com/page.htm is the sample, look at it in
> IE6/Win and FF/Win and you will see.  Hopefully it is a simple
> error and I am suffering from "over the shoulder" syndrome, so
> if someone will look over my shoulder and say something like
> "Dummy, you just need to. . ." I would appreciate it. <grin />

Take off the position:relative and its values from #pghead, 
#topbar, #content and #footer, and then give theme a margin-left 
of 125px.

Q for you: what are you gonna do when the content of the sidebar 
is gonna be higher than 450px? Or when the content area's text is 
higher than 300px? (Visitors do resize their fonts, especially 
when initially set as small as you did in this example)


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