Hello all,

On Fri, 05 May 2006 14:37:11 -0400, Brian Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> http://benedikt.knowlton.ohio-state.edu/faculty/
>> ...in IE/Windows, the top header div is appearing
>> over the scroll bar.
> one thing that needs fixing is the label element referencing a id that
> isn't there. The validator reports the following:
> "Line 383 column 17: reference to non-existent ID "SEARCH""
> don't know if that helps with the scroll bar thing but your label text
> "Search Ohio State" isn't showing on any of my browser views.

Yeah, I need to ask our campus branding guys about that actually - that  
menu bar is supplied by their office and, as you've noticed, doesn't  
validate. I'm not sure if they have another version in the works, or if I  
can just copy the code locally and tweak it myself.

As a follow-up to the original question, I'm not sure a solution is  
possible. I re-read the article on 456 Berea Street:


...which referenced this article on jessey.net:


...which mentioned that I might be able to solve the problem if I add

width: 100%;

...to the IE6.css page. However, that technique doesn't seem to work -  
although the jessey.net article does mention the problem that I'm having.  
I'll keep looking for a better solution, but in the meantime I've switched  
the white header to only extend over the 740px content area, not the  
entire width of the browser window.

Of course, if anybody has any other ideas or recommendations I'm all ears.  


Matt Bernhardt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webmaster  +  Fab  Lab  Coordinator
Knowlton  School   of  Architecture
The    Ohio     State    University
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