Tom McNeer wrote:

>I'd appreciate it if folks could take a look at the following sample and
>give me some guidance as to my errors:
>I have included most of the style information within the HTML file for
>convenience, although there is a linked stylesheet that affects the menu
>list items.
>Here's what's happening: In IE, the pages displays as I would hope until the
>window is resized downward. Then two things happen: 1) the shadow which
>forms a border on the upper part of the content area is repeated underneath
>the top-level menu items and the bg color of the outer (or upper) div is
>shown below the menu items, and 2) the elements which create the left-hand
>border disappear.
>Refreshing the page corrects most of this. I have noticed that if I remove
>the menu list entirely, the same issue regarding the shadow and background
>color appears, even when initially displayed.
>In Firefox, I have a different problem: the footer content is displayed
>oddly. The image defined as the background for the footer div does not
>appear. If I eliminate the image and define a background color for the div,
>that color is not displayed, although test content in that div is shown.
>Could someone please show me the error of my ways. Thanks very much in
Hi Tom,
After Georg's advise to correct the html you'll notice the 
corners/borders still don't display as you want them ...; the 
corner/border-div's aren't good arranged.
Time for Exercise! :-)
(Link to article included.)

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