> Workaround:
> I use the following method to @import print-stylesheets into my main
> stylesheets...
>        @import url("fineprint.css");
> (yes, an ordinary @import without media-pointer.)
> Then, in my 'fineprint.css' i wrap the entire styleset in an ordinary...
>        @media print {
>        ...all print styles...
>        }
> ...and all browsers that understand @media will apply the css for
> printing. That excludes IE/Mac and IE4/win and other old browsers.
> I use the same @media rule in stylesheets for screen, print and
> projection, and whatever other media I want to support.
> IE/Mac is let in on screen-styles through a hack, and also given its own
> set of styles for screen in order to overcome some of its limitations.

Hi all/Georg,


I have tried;

1) imported print.css for all media
2) wrapped the content of print.css in an "@media print" rule

but it still doesnt work for silly IE6!!!! FF is fine.

FF web dev toolbar shows that print.css was linked properly.

Just a tip - Wrapping this way allows u change the "@media print" rule
to "@media all", effectively allowing you to see what your page will
print like (as ofc is print preview).

I guess that means my question is; Is there a way to import a print
only style sheet for IE without using a LINK element?

thanks again
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