Hi All -

I've run into what appears to be a bug, but haven't been able to find
any documentation on it.

Essentially I'm working with a table with a width of 100%. On the top
and bottom of the table are divs with a width of auto (to allow for
inner padding). These are used for pagination, etc. The table has a
border applied to all the table cells. The divs and table have the
same exact width and are fluid. That is until I set border-collapse to
collapse. When collapse is applied, the left side of the table extends
over 1 pixel in Firefox and 1 pixel over to the right in Safari. I
forget what it does in IE, I'm away from my test PC at the moment.

Has anyone else run into this behavior, know what the cause is, workaround, etc?

My guess is that the calculation of the table width is different (and
for some reason off) when border collapse is set to collapse. But it's
just that.. a guess. Mostly based of the W3C spec:

I've set up a test case to demonstrate what I'm talking about. Any
help is appreciated.

Test Case: http://jimbarraud.com/lab/borderCollapseTest.html

Thanks -
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