I use Dreamweaver for simultaneous CSS & Xhtml editing.  But I don't know if
I prefer it to any other because I have used DW for years and years.  I have
open the css file and the html file at the same time, the HTML is usually
always in code view. Change, save, hit F12 to view in browser, repeat.  Plus
I usually have Fireworks and Flash open at the same time, too, so that's
another reason.  I guess you can take it as just the recommendation of a
Macromedia (now Adobe) addict.  The WYSIWYG part in Dreamweaver MX doesn't
really work when using all CSS, so you have to keep checking in the browser.

-----Original Message-----
Re: [css-d] Best way to work in CSS and XHTML ?

On 24/05/06, Michel Sabatino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which is the easiest and more efficient way to work in CSS and XHTML to
> get at once a view on how it will look on IE 6 and firefox?
> How to handle external css files during the same process described before?
> In one word, which are the best tools (more efficient) to work with in
> CSS and XHTML?
> Thanks in advance.
> Notepad, vi or emacs. Code for Firefox, placate IE. Not really sure what
> you're asking here...

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