victor NOAGBODJI wrote:

> Everything looked nice in Firefox, until I've decided to see how it 
> is doing IE will ; one conclusion : I should have worked in the both 
> browser since the beginning.

Slightly wrong conclusion... :-)

You should have checked what IE does, while working in Firefox.
It is always a good idea to make frequent checks in _all_ available
browsers, but it is never a good idea to /work/ in IE/win - regardless
of version.
It's so easy to mess things up for all the good browsers _if_ you work
things out and adjust solutions to make them suit IE's buggy rendering,
so make sure you *work* the right way.

> and 
> What's is going wrong ? I've only floated a div left and marged-left 
> one with the require space for both pages. Plus the dl floated for 
> the form in the second page, it's working fine in firefox.

As Nick has already figured out, it's an old "friend"... the
'margin-doubling bug on floats' in IE. The left margin is wrongly
calculated by IE6 (and older versions) to be twice the styled width.
This bug is fixed in IE7.

> I thought I was going to avoid all those hacks; it's too late now.


#divflottant {display: inline;}

...which is a "harmless" hack that'll cure IE from this particular
By "harmless" I mean: no need to hide this hack from other browsers,
since all browsers "know" that a 'float' can't 'display: inline' anyway.


IE also throws in another of its many bugs: the '3px jog' on #divstatique.

That bug will look less disturbing if you add a 'hasLayout'[1] trigger...

#divstatique {height: 100%;}

...which shouldn't disturb any other browser significantly either.


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