Afternoon Don

You wrote;

>I modified s5-blank.html to show photography slides.  The goal is to
> maximize the screen space for the pictures.
> I removed the headers and footers and sized the pictures to fit centered 
> on
> the page.
> Using FireFox all works as expected.  Using IE 6.0.2800.1106 all 
> of
> the pictures don't center, and the controls do not appear in the lower
> right-hand corner.  Use resolution of 1024 x 768 and press F11 to maximize
> the open space on the screen.
> The slides can be seen at:
> html
> Any ideas on this would be appreciated.
> Thanks,

IE 6 appears to be  ignoring the <center> </center> element you are using in 
your modified S5 slide show.

<center> is not a valid element with the doctype you are using.  Run your 
code past an html validator [1] [2], as you have several other html errors.

As you noted, the slide controls work in Firefox  ( When I hover my 
cursor at the bottom - right corner of the page it becomes visible.  Eric 
Meyer's original  S5 [3] works similarly in both Firefox and IE 6 on my win 
xp pro sp2 box.   My guess is that this is a scripting problem  and  IE 6 
can't play nice with your code.  Some one with more scripting experience may 
be able to offer advice off list. (also, I noticed that pressing the space 
bar will advance the images once they have loaded)


Hope that helps...

Jim Nannery
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