> Got a strange one - can't figure it out -
> on here:
> http://www.constructweb.com/epic/tab/
> if I link the images (hit the second tab ) link layour breaks..
> I've tried almost everything I can think of
> any help appreciated
> thanks
> n
You have no doctype, among other things. Backup what you've got. Run the 
file through Tidy Online <http://infohound.net/tidy/> > Tidy will assign 
a doctype and pull
and correct the markup errors for you. Validate that corrected file with 
the the w3c validation service<http://validator.w3.org/>. Whether this 
resolves the actual problem, remains to be seen. But, if not, at least 
you'll be in a better position to resolve it. BTW, you really should 
call the javascript from an external file...
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