I *think* I followed the guidelines and code
explicitly in OTL(positioniseverything.net) but my
page is still broken in IE 6, Opera 7.11 and Netscape
8.1.  I've validated my html but the css doesn't
validate because of the browser hacks (and probably my
own mistakes, too).

I'm trying to teach myself css instead of tables and
am trying to replicate this page:

The left column is fixed width and the right column
fills the rest of the page.

Here's the new page and the css

In IE, the left margin for "content" is wrong, but if
I make it work there, then it goes wrong in NS and O
and gets hidden under the menu block.

And in NS and O, the content of "content" begins below
the end of "menu" content.

I know I still have some other tweaking to do, but I
want to get these columns right.


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