Hi all

So far I've been using the one true layout technique for equal height 
columns using the extra large negative margin [1], however the advice 
has been updated to say it can be dangerous [2].

I've also seen an article by Zoe to modify faux columns for liquid 
layouts [3] as well as other advice on the wiki [4].

I'm interested in liquid equal height columns and I've been using a 
modified version of the one true layout for 2 and 3 column designs [5], 
I've adapted this technique for ems which I prefer for accessibility.  I 
like to use left and/or right columns for navigation links only, I may 
use named anchors in the main content column for 'back to top' links 
which I believe (maybe incorrectly) will not be affected by the large 
negative margin technique.

The point is I'm a little confused about the best way (currently) to 
attack liquid equal height (em based) columns.  All of the references 
I've given are very good but some of these and similar articles are 
quite old and I'm not sure if anyone has updated advice that has not 
been published or that I've missed.

I believe the best advice (for liquid em-based equal height columns) is 
to use the extra large negative margin technique [1] if you have NO 
named anchors as targets in the columns (I'm assuming the middle column 
is OK?, or to use liquid faux columns [4] if you do.

Would anyone be able to conform or correct this for me please?



[1] <http://www.positioniseverything.net/articles/onetruelayout/equalheight>
[3] <http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=AFC58>
[4] <http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=AnyColumnLongest>
[4] <http://www.alistapart.com/articles/holygrail>

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