> >This definitely allows for more creative web site design
> I beg to differ...
> http://www.csszengaarden.com

Must be the dutch/swedish version.
http://www.csszengarden.com is the correct one.

> Select any design on the right-hand sidebar. The vast majority are
> extremely creative.
> IMHO, this proves anything can be acheived with CSS.

Actually I don't consider it a good showcase for the flexibility of
CSS, it shows what you can do with CSS to create nice designs. I found
especially in the last year showing Zengarden to clients a bad move as
they ask you to implement the same designs (which are in a lot of
cases just showcasing image replacement) in the CMS driven
multilingual site. Dave actually mentions something like this in the
book, too, which is a good read.

Try resizing the font in most designs to see how they break.

I am not dissing Zengarden, I just point out that it is not a good
showcase for the flexibility of CSS layouts or CSS in General. For its
beauty, yes. Maybe it is time to go one step further and create a
showcase for the flexibility of CSS vs. strict table layouts. The
beauty of resizing. I tried a year ago with http://www.csstoolshed.com
and will ditch it soon as not many cared.

> That being said, I still use tables when there is absolutely no other
> way to give the designer (here, anyway) what he/she wants. And that
> includes an unsuccessful, fact-filled attempt to talk him out of what
> he's trying to accomplish - usually for no good reason other than
> "just because". And it's usually for a small part of a site, not the
> whole structure.

Yes, there are some still around...

Chris Heilmann
Book: http://www.beginningjavascript.com
Blog: http://www.wait-till-i.com
Writing: http://icant.co.uk/
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