On Mon, 10 Jul 2006 01:29:46 -0400, Melissa Carraway wrote:

> [...] My problem is that on pages with a lot
> of text, the outer DIV doesn't get taller to fit the copy. Instead
> it pokes out the bottom.

Hi Melissa,
Welcome back. The link you gave does not seem to work, but this
sounds like a "float containment" problem. This article describes
the issue and has a cross-browser solution:


Warning: I believe that the declaration "display: inline-table"
should read "display: inline-block". Looking over the article, some
of the text would confirm this. I seem to recall that the
"inline-block" value fixes it for IE7 as well.

Others may wish to correct or confirm this.

FWIW: "display: inline-block" validates as CSS 2.1. My experience with
the jigsaw validator is that, by default, it validates to CSS 2, which
flags inline-block as an error.

I love standards-- there are so many to choose from!  :D

Cordially, David

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