At 02:36 PM 7/13/2006, moises wrote:
>I'm attempting to layout a bunch of images in a grid
>using DIV's
>instead of a table. I currently have a 3x6 table that
>I need to convert
>to css. I've seen various example of a 3 to 4 column
>layout. Is this
>the only way to accomplish this? To see the table in
>its current
>format, please go here:


Here are two ways of doing this, replacing the table with a simple 
series of anchors:

If your actual application is to portray a single image, there's no 
need to slice it up, even if you plan to hover-replace every 
pane.  Each segment of the 18-block grid can use background-position 
to display a different segment of a single large image.  For another 
example of this, see example 7 in my article "CSS Swag: Multi-Column 

Your use of JavaScript serves two purposes: to create the hover 
effect (here replaced with CSS a:hover) and to pre-load the hover 
image to avoid the delay on the first mouseover.  I would accomplish 
the latter without scripting simply by combining the normal & hover 
state images in the same image file, and changing the 
background-position on hover.  For more on this technique see "CSS 
Sprites: Image Slicing's Kiss of Death" by Dave Shea,

(Download considerations: Because every image file has its own 
header, one image file that combines several images will be smaller 
than all of its component images in separate files.  On the other 
hand, with large images or slow connections there might be the 
subjective impression of one large image taking longer to download 
than many smaller images even if they add up to more disk space, 
because they will render one at a time as they download.  Also, 
background images don't appear until they've completely downloaded 
compared to foreground images that can render progressively during download.)


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