Aaron also asked...

>>> http://angray.members.beeb.net/Examples/CSS/ThreeColumnExample.html
>>> It has been tested here on IE 6, FF, and Safari.
>>> Anyone able to test NN4 and IE5.5 ?
>> Aaron, in Mac IE5.2.whatever, the columns act correctly, except the
>> words "left" and "right" are hugging the left side of each of their
>> respective columns.
> Yes they should be centered, they are not inheriting the center 
> attribute
> from body. Okay this is minor, that is good the columns are functioning
> properly.
> Does it resize correctly with minimum and maximum widths ? Or degrade 
> neatly
> ?
Aaron, in IE5 Mac, the three columns don't stop at a max width as they 
do in Safari, and crash into each other and pile up when the window is 
made thinner.

I could be wrong, but don't believe that this IE supports 
min-width/max-width properties. You may have to use a separate CSS 
stylesheet for this, with a set size for IE.


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