I'm trying to do a 1-static-1 flexible-1 static 3-column layout (gave up on Holy Grail; was hoping to avoid Jello Mold due to its complexity), and if I get IE to work fine, then of all things, Firefox yields problems. Safari and Opera have not been a problem this time around.
As an alternative, I tried a 2-column layout (1 static, 1 flexible), but with the flexible column including a right float for the 3rd, fixed-width column. Here's an example of what I'd the behavior I want, but I had to cheat by making the rightmost box a table: http://fish.washington.edu/people/template/index_first.html I tried a nested div using float but had problems with the parent text overlapping the floated div. Can you provide examples of this that works in the major browsers (ver. 5+)? Or is that a pipe dream? Also, is there a way to make the float 100% window height? I'm also open to alternatives to the float, but I have spent a lot of time this week trying to improve my CSS layout knowledge by experimenting with numerous 3-column layouts from the CSS discussion list webpage and many others out there, and have not found one that works without any serious problems for Safari, Firefox, Opera, and IE (e.g., if browser width is reduced too much, either columns overlap, or a column drops down below its neighbor, etc. etc.). Marcus Duke Webmaster/Info Specialist UW Aquatic & Fishery Sciences ______________________________________________________________________ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d IE7b2 testing hub -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=IE7 List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/ Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/