Aaron Gray wrote:
> I seem to be having a problem with div's vertical spacing.
> Basically the #header should be 80px in height, on IE it is, but other 
> browsers are inserting extra line space, effectively creating another lines 
> worth.

I think you have discovered browser inconsistency with regards to the 
Box Model (see http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=BoxModel for a far 
more detailed explanation than I could give you). I am assuming you are 
looking at IE6 as I think IE7 has corrected this issue.

Basically, IE<6 (wrongly) includes any padding and borders in its notion 
of the specified height (or width) of an element - in your case you have 
specified an 80px height for your #header, which IE thinks *includes* 
the 40px padding-top.
Firefox (and other good browsers) correctly add the 40px padding-top to 
the 80px height of the div, thereby rendering all that extra space 
underneath the text.

You could hack the CSS for #header to feed a different height to each 
browser (see http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=BoxModelHack ) but it 
is probably better to convert the padding-top on #header to a margin-top 
on the contained elements. <span> won't do it because it is an inline 
element, but you could use <p> or <h1> (which may be more semantically 
correct anyway), or add {display : block} to the css for span. With no 
padding, there is no problem with your height specification for #header.

Hope this helps.
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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