I'm nearing completion on a client website, but i keep running into 
numerous IE6 problems.  The site runs and looks perfect in firefox.  It 
is build off a highly modded wordpress install.

Rounded corners:  after some scrolling where the top portion of the page 
is out of view, sometimes IE will display it fine, others it will push 
the rounded corners out some, leaving a gap.  Other times, the corners 
stay put, but a blue bar fills the top margin area.  I'm wondering if 
this has to do with the HAS LAYOUT fix that Holly helped me with for the 
menus last week, but i'm not sure how to implement it on this type of 

Content area background gradient:  Fails to show in IE on all pages, 
expect where i have a:hover images on the category listing pages.  The 
links use the single image background positioning trick to "pre load" 
the hover image.  When hovered, the gradient appears. when un-hovered, 
it disappears again.  (check the price list or testimonials page for 

There may be other things I haven't found yet, but those are the major 
ones i'm dealing with right now.
Also, I haven't checked it on a Mac yet, so if any mac users out there 
can give it a check, i'd appreciate it.

(sorry for the cloaked addresses, but i don't want the site public yet)

*site:  http://tinyurl.com/qdr9b
css:  **http://tinyurl.com/zld4l   (kinda messy, still working on 
cleaning up a lot of the default wordpress settings)


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