On Fri, 4 Aug 2006 11:07:18 -0500, Rayne Bair wrote:
> hi, I'm Rayne and I've just joined the list. [...]
Welcome, Rayne.

Re: <http://testing.wifetalks.com/>

You said:
> I'm getting warning that no color is specified on
> elements where I've defined a background-color. It's just a
> warning, but should I explicitly define all my color elements to
> inherit to comply with the validation?
Background properties don't normally inherit. Default is transparent.
Because of this, backgrounds on containers may clash with your color,
hence the warning. The validator does not check multiple rules to
find out, so it warns you to check it yourself.

In your case, you have no background color at all in most places.
If I were to set my browser to default to, say, white text on a black
background as my preference for unstyled pages, then I'd get black
text on a black background on most of your page.  :)

Adding a background-color to BODY should fix it.

> [...]
> the majority of my browser visitors are using IE5.5 and IE6. So I'd
> like my site to look good in both. This brings me to (of course) a
> very annoying issue. Personal styling preference has me using
> :before and that won't work in IE. Should I create a separate style-
> sheet that tweaks those faults for IE and call it using an import
> after my link command? Will that override the linked styles?
Well, you seem to have found the solution in the time I took before
visiting your page. I think your solution works well, although a base
font size of 80% times a content size of 0.85em makes for very tiny
text - smaller than six points print equivalent on my 15" 1440 x 1050

Also, if you really are using UTF-8 encoding, there's no need for all
those Unicode entities.

Cordially, David

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