> I have a website in which all sizes are in ems or %'s. When I change the 
> font size in the browser in IE6, everything changes size except for the 
> form inputs: text fields, select's, etc. Any ideas? The relevant css is 
> below.

You need to add widths to these elements -- using ems.  Ems are wider If 
you have an input of max 20 characters, start off with about 10em for 
width, and adjust to taste.

> input, textarea, select {
>         background:#fff;
>         border-bottom:#999 solid 1px;
>         border-left:#999 dotted 2px;
>         border-right:#999 dotted 2px;
>         border-top:#999 solid 1px;
>         color:#333;
>         font-size:inherit;
>         padding:0 .3em;
>         vertical-align:middle;
> }

Joel Goldstick
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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