It looks like you have one (1) block repeated eight (8) times. (the big 
square, the text without border and the rectangle). i would enclose each 
one of these in a larger <div>. so you'll end up having 8 <div>s of the 
same thing. then float them left (or right) defining the width of each 
to be 25% (or whatever). you'll see them stack eight long. just put a 
line break (<br>) between the first four and the second four. don't 
forget- the only way to make floated things work in both IE and FF is to 
define everything. (width, height, blah blah blah)

try that and let me know if that works.

#bigdiv {
     float: left;
     width: 25%;
     text-align: center;

<div id="bigdiv">
     <div id="blabla">bla bla bla bla</div>
     <div id="bla1">blah1</div>
     <div id="bob">bob bob</div>

if you want symmetry, float two #bigdivs left, two right, <br> the 
another two left and another two right.

there are probably easier ways...but that has worked for me.

Patrick Aljord wrote:
> Hey all,
> I used to use a table for my layout but now I want to use divs. I
> "almost" completed the task except for one table. I just can't get it
> right without using a table so maybe you could help.
> Here is the page:
> quite a simple page actually. 
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