Thanks. This is only an expertimetal code that I use to help me undertand
the CSS.
This behavour seems not cited in CSS 2.1.  Is is UA specific?

On 8/21/06, Philippe Wittenbergh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 21, 2006, at 10:16 PM, ray wrote:
> > <html>
> >   <head>
> >     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> > charset=iso-8859-1"
> > />
> >     <title>Untitled Document</title>
> >   </head>
> >   <body>
> >     <p>abc</p>
> >     <label>label1</label>
> >     <label>label2</label>
> >   </body>
> > </html>
> > I think this html will result in 3 lines, one for abc, one for
> > label1 and
> > one for label3. The block box generated for body element contains
> > three
> > boxes, one block box for p, the other two inline boxes for labels,
> > because
> > CSS 2.1 specification says: Block-level elements (except for
> > display 'table'
> > elements, which are described in a later chapter) generate a
> > principal block
> > box that contains either only block boxes or only
> > <file:///home/ray/.mozilla/firefox/rbp1q15z.default/ScrapBook/data/
> > 20060819165938/index.html#inline-box>inlines
> > boxes, so I think each inline box should be wrapped in an anonymous
> > block box and participates in a block formatting context,  laid out
> > vertically, one after another. But the result is not what I
> > expected: the
> > label boxes lay out on a single line. Why? Thanks.
> <label> is an inline element, unless you modify its display value
> through a stylesheet. You show no signs of doing that.
> <>
> Hence a UA will generate - at best -  only one anonymous block box
> wrapping around your two labels. But that is an OT discussion for
> this list.
> Note also that your code is invalid for html strict.
> Philippe
> ---
> Philippe Wittenbergh
> <>
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