On 02/09/06 03:52 -0400, Peter Apockotos wrote:

But my real question is how do I wrap text around items such as
(images/ads/php/javascript) as seen on the link provided below.  And
I would like to do this with XHTML Strict guidelines of the WC3.


Well, let's see, I select the header and text, then from my Firefox
context menu, I choose, "View Selection Source"

and see this:

<div class="atitle">Intel iMac for consumers, not Pros</div>
        <div id="recad">
        [ stuff to display the image ]
        <div id="art_body">
                Apple's new iMac Core Duo [ lots of uber-marketing speak
               excised ...] Pro users.

Then I select "View CSS" from the web developer's toolbar and see:

                        padding: 0 0 20px 20px;
                        width: 300px;
                        height: 250px;
                        float: right;

So I guess that's how they did it.

But I'd have used a header instead of a div for the heading.

And the w3c validator shows "Failed validation, 186 errors", so they
seem to have committed other html errors too.
Nick Urbanik   RHCE         http://nicku.org        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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