On Sep 8, 2006, at 4:03 AM, richard n wrote:

> In the site I'm creating I've set up the fonts for the Body tag  
> like so:
> 'font: small "Gill Sans Light", "Gill Sans", "Trebuchet MS",  
> Helvetica,
> Arial, sans-serif;'
> (I believe that Gill Sans and Gill Sans Light are supplied as standard
> with OSX. They're unlikely to be on the average PC, so Trebuchet is  
> for
> them.)
> Previewing in different browsers on my Mac, I see Gill Sans Light in
> Firefox, Opera and even IE Mac 5.2.3.
> Safari, however, won't display Gill Sans Light - it displays Gill  
> Sans.

You need to use the Postscript name of the font: 'GillSans-Light' for  
Safari, otherwise Safari uses the 'regular' weight
font: small 'GillSans-Light', 'Gill Sans Light', 'Gill Sans', ..........

Philippe Wittenbergh

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