On 9/11/06, Mike Botsko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.mysquibbles.com
> For now the text size is fixed with PX, so I know I'm going to have problems 
> with text sizes.

at least if it's fixed (for now), it's large enough to read well (for
me at least)!  first, i think the site's coloring is pretty good for
the fun attitude i get the feeling you're going for.  second, this is
a pretty quick check.

- i usually browse with a window of 800x600 and the horizontal scroll
i pretty annoying.  i tried increases my size to 1024x768 and i still
got the horizontal scroll.  i'm not sure what your stance is on that,
but i would suggest trying to get rid of it at possible.

- the text color of your main content is just pale enough to hurt my
eyes after reading a few lines.

- when hovering over the tabs in your main column, i kind of expenct
the tab to change color instead of the text to be underlined.
underlined to me is for "normal" links, not tabbing ones.

- in the same token, the rest of the links on the page don't change
anything when hovered on, which is a little confusing.  are they links
or just underlined text?  (rhetorical question)

otherwise it looks pretty clean and friendly to me!  keep in mind
these are all personal opinions, so take 'em or leave 'em.  :)
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