> >Yes :-)
> >Add borders on the following elements and you'll see better
> >#outer_div{
> >height: 100%;
> >margin-left: auto;
> >margin-right: auto;
> >width:58em;
> >border:1px solid lime
> >}
> >#shadow_container{
> >margin:0;
> >padding:0;
> >width:62em;
> >border:1px solid red
> }
> >#shadow_container is much wider than #outerdiv. Things start to
> >misalign from there.
> >Set the width of #shadow_container to 100%, and things look already
> >much better.
> >There are other things you'll need to tweak, but you'll them once the
> >above is fixed.
> >It 'works' in IE 6, because it is broken, and expands the width of
> >boxes when the content is wider than the allocated width. Standard
> >compliant browsers don't expand them (and IE 7 has fixed that bug).
> Philippe
> ---
> Philippe Wittenbergh
> <http://emps.l-c-n.com>
> thanks for the pointer Philippe,

I have made the adjustment you suggested. You can view the updated pages
with the links above. I still cannot figure out how to get the shadows to
the edsge where my red border is temporarily. I am tried adjusting margins
and padding, can't get anything to work.

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